Working With A Winnipeg Doula: A What To Expect When You're Expecting Guide

So you found yourself staring down at those two little lines. Maybe a little scared, maybe over the moon excited. Whether through google or a friend’s recommendation, you’ve decided that you need to get yourself a Winnipeg doula to support you through your birthing journey. But what next?

Follow through for some solid tips and guidance on hiring and working with a Winnipeg doula.


Ask friends, google, look at professional listings. Make a list of the doulas that resonate with the kind of support that you want. Reading through your doula’s website should make you feel calm and encouraged, and like you’ve just met a new instant friend. We’ll talk more about this fit later, but for now- does this doula work in a way that fits your needs?

Set up a meeting!

Getting together with your potential Winnipeg doula for a meet and greet is usually an important step. This person will be with you on one of the most important days of your life, so more than just their credentials, you want to know that when in their presence you feel comfortable and relaxed. Just as different people have different personalities they seek out in their friends- different people will prefer a different personality in their doula— choose the one that feels right to you.

During your meeting feel free to ask questions! The right doula for you will not be upset or offended- they realize how important this day is to you. Some good questions to ask- when does your doula join you and why at that time, how do they feel about the type of birth you are hoping for, do they have a professional backup doula, and how do you guys get to know each other before the birth.

It’s time to hire!

Once you’ve settled on the Winnipeg doula that is right for you, it’s time to make things official- you will complete a contract and send your retainer payment to hold your due date. For most Winnipeg doulas the remainder of payment is not due until 36-37 weeks. After filling out your contract, you will probably receive some more information about working together, but here’s how it works when you decide to work with Embrace Birth Services!

  • You’ll get a client guide, with lots of tips about contacting me, what to expect during pregnancy and a beginners guide to labour and some coping techniques.

  • You’ll fill out a client information sheet that gives me some background information on you and how I can support you best.

  • You’ll start receiving informational emails at approximately 20 weeks. These give you some food for thought as you start preparing to meet your little one!

Keep in touch with your doula!

I love staying in contact with my clients. Working with a Winnipeg doula isn’t like workin with an OB- you’re not just another slot in my calendar- I truly love getting to know you and becoming friends during your pregnancy. The closer we get, the more natural it will feel for you to lean on me during your labour.

Send me updates when you have things on your mind, when you get new information about the pregnancy, you have questions or you just want to chat! From the time you sign a contract, I’m there for the support you need.

Set up a couple meetings!

When working with Embrace Birth Services as your Winnipeg doula, we schedule two prenatal meetings to get together again before the birth and chat. This gives us a chance to learn more about birth if you are wanting, to talk about your preferences, answer questions and go over what to expect. I generally set up meetings for around 25 weeks and again around 35 weeks, but these can be tailored to what works for you!

Call your doula when it’s time to have that baby!

I am a big believer that early labour is best spent doing your thang. Keep going with normal life, comforting yourself as needed, but ignoring the big blinking LABOUR sign that wants to flash in your head. Labour progresses quicker and easier when you can encourage oxytocin production by making your body and brain feel safe, secure and ‘normal’.

That said— when that labour starts up, it can feel overwhelming and confusing— I want you to let me know, and we will stay in contact for this early labour period— offering reassurance, tips, reminders and support over the phone. Once you decide that you need me there and labour has shifted into active phase, I will join you at home or at your place of birth and offer the support you need for the rest of labour.

Let me know how those baby snuggles are going!

Even after birth, I’m still there to offer support. Don’t be afraid to call, email or text if you have questions about postpartum recovery, feeding, baby care or just need a sounding board. We’ll also set up a postpartum visit between 1-6 weeks postpartum to get together in person again and chat about how everything went and if you have any questions.

Do you have any more questions about hiring a Winnipeg Doula? Ready to hire yours? I’d love to chat with you about providing doula support for your upcoming birth. Reach out today!


Hello Veyda! | A Winnipeg Fresh 48


5 Tips for Labouring At Home