Winnipeg Pregnancy Guide: Top 10 Things To Do Before Baby

Today I am sharing with you my Top 10 things to do during your Winnipeg pregnancy before baby comes! The list isn't designed as a shopping list or a specific baby prep- it's about honouring yourself and the big changes about to come!While pregnancy in itself is a time of transition and new experiences, bringing baby into your home- whether the first or fourth or beyond, is always an exciting experience with new stresses and emotions (don't worry there's joys too!), and this is my Top 10 list that helped me transition through my Winnipeg pregnancy into those newborn days each time. 

  1. Feed your freezer - The early postpartum days are already an adjustment without dealing with your insatiable appetite and you're unlikely to want to spend a lot of time standing in the kitchen. Make it easier on yourself by preparing food ahead of time, or picking up from a meal prep store. Places like Supper Central can be a lifesaver! With each of my babes we made sure to batch cook and feed our freezer with meals, snacks and treats.

  2. Have a date with your partner - Your life is about to change, and so will your relationship with the other people in your life. Take some time to connect with your significant other, so you remember why you fell in love when you're hopped up on hormones and feeling like you haven't finished a conversation in weeks. There are so many unique places to visit with your partner during your Winnipeg pregnancy- pick one or two- or lots!

  3. Have a date with yourself - your relationship with yourself will change too! Don't forget to take time to enjoy yourself and connect with all the things that make you you. Go sit in a coffee shop and read, do some shopping alone, have a bubble bath and a long nap. Whatever helps you remember that person that came before “mom”.

  4. Pamper yourself - I am one of those mamas that makes sure I get in a shower each day postpartum. It's important for my mental state and gives me some time to unwind before jumping back into mama duties. But it's not often I get a chance to take time out for a whole massage or “extras” like doing my nails. So I make sure to take at least one day before baby comes and pamper myself- book a spa day and get a massage (We have many experienced providers to give you a Winnipeg pregnancy safe spa day), have your eyebrows done, enjoy a mani/pedi so you don't have to try to reach your feet. If a spa day isn't in the budget, you can still enjoy all of this at home. Or get together with some friends and do each other's nails while sipping sparkling water.

  5. Go sightseeing in your city - make time to do those things that are harder once you've got a little one in tow. I loved heading to the beach and taking a walk around the forks one last time. Add in some cute photos with your partner in the exchange district and you've done double duty with your Winnipeg Top ten things to do before baby list!

  6. Have a postpartum plan - know which friends and family will be around to help, and which ones you want there. Stick to those who will make things easier on you- cross off anyone whom you feel like you'll need to play hostess for.

  7. Join a La Leche League meeting - Sometimes breastfeeding is second nature. Sometimes it's not. I find it is so helpful to have connections already in place when those early newborn days come. Find your local group here.

  8. Fill your Netflix or Kindle queue - Babies eat. A lot. I found it so much more relaxing when I wasn't counting down the minutes until they were done. Before baby two, I made sure to set myself up with a list of shows and movies to watch, and added about a dozen easy reading books to my Overdrive App. It made frequent nursing breaks actually seem like a break, rather than an endless chore. Goodreads always has a great chick lit list.

  9. Find your tribe - parenthood can be very isolating and I've never doubted myself like I did as a new mama. Finding a group of likeminded parents that I could be truly transparent with was crucial. You don't think it's that important until you're considering having to ask your coworkers which Depends work best postpartum or really need someone to sit with in your sour milk smelling glory who won't care a bit when you need to rehash your birth story for the 12th time.

  10. Hire a doula - Well of course. But really. My doulas were instrumental in both my pregnancy and postpartum period. So much of what you do during pregnancy is preparing for the baby- but hiring my doula was for *me*. And having that support from these lovely women who knew just the right questions to ask, who read my mind when I was feeling frustrated or needed reassurance- whether it be hour ten of labor or day ten of breastfeeding-- is priceless.

So there it is! My recommended Top 10 things to do during your Winnipeg pregnancy. Is there anything you find a "must do" that I left out? Anything you hadn't thought of?

Ready to find out more?

As always, if you have any questions, I'd love to chat! Ready to hire a doula? In need of some guidance? Drop me a line!Email Embrace


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