What will my doula do?
I sit down for a lot of consults with potential families that go the same. "So... we've researched a doula, and we read what your description is. And we love your site and the vibe you give off. But... I guess I still don't understand what you really do." It's true, there's a bit of a mystique still around doula care, and a lot of misconceptions-- many people still think that doulas are only good if you're planning a twinkle lights style homebirth. And while I'm happy to support that-- a doula can help ANY family, in any variety of scenerios.For just a taste, I've started a quick list of some of the things I've done in the past year while spending time with my doula families. Help you set up your birth space-- hospital or home, I can get your comfort items ready, set the mood with candles or music, or make sure you've got the best pillow. For that matter- I can help you come up with a playlist that has just the right vibe for your labour. I've pumped up and switched out birth balls when they weren't quite right, hunted down more pillows and blankets (for mom or dad), and adjusted lighting.Help you decide if it's really labour, or really time to go to the hospital. It can be super intimidating trying to decide if the signs you're feeling are real labour. I often spend time on the phone or through text, talking about symptoms, feelings and instincts and helping mom decide what the next course of action might be. If it's too early, I'll help you come up with things to do in the meantime to keep your mind off of the contractions or to cope with the pain.Help you transition from hospital to home. Moving from the comfort of home to the hospital can be a bit jarring to your system, especially if you've never been there before. I can help bridge the gap, navigate hallways, and even answer questions about parking.Remind you about preferences that are about to become overlooked. Sometimes you get so caught up in the sensations of birth that you forget about things that were very important to you. I'm there to point out if your placenta is about to leave the room without you seeing it, turn on the music you wanted to listen to, offer up reminders about a position you wanted to try or to ask about delayed cord clamping. We talk beforehand so I know all the things that will matter to you.
Answer questions when things get confusing. Medical staff can sometimes forget that their jargon isn't second nature for you. Or you may have questions about recommended tests or options at different points during labour. I'll help to clarify the confusing language, and figure out which questions you can ask your providers to get the answers you want.Offer options- whether it's pain relief, positions or next steps. When you're dealing with intense contractions, sometimes it's hard to remember all the comfort techniques you had planned. I'm there to offer reminders of things you can try- and we can even practice those during your prenatals. If natural measures aren't working, I can help you BRAIN (Ask me about it!) your next steps in an informed and judgment free zone.Help provide comfort to older siblings (or partners). It can be hard for your loved ones to watch you in pain, and harder still to be in the middle of labour and trying to provide comfort yourself to an overwhelmed family member. As a doula I’m able to give reassurance and explanations about the sights, sounds, smells and progress of labour to those with you, be it your partner or a little one. Sometimes all it takes is a quick reassurance that all is normal, but I’ve also held hands, rubbed backs, had serious talks and even helped a loved one to a chair when they’re feeling faint. I support them so that you don’t have to.Give your partner a chance to step out to grab a meal, or move a car. I remember back to my first birth and how relieved my husband said he was after our doula arrived. While I was buzzing on labour adrenalin, he hadn’t slept or eaten all night, and by that time he desperately needed a few minutes of fresh air and some nutrients. With my doula by my side, he was able to go take care of himself so he could continue taking care of me. I’m so glad to give this same relief to partners now as I know how much it meant to him!
Help with early breastfeeding. Sometimes your labour goes perfectly according to plan but it’s breastfeeding that you struggle with. As an experienced breastfeeder and doula, I’m there to help prepare you ahead of time, and also postpartum to get your breastfeeding relationship off to the right start.Remind you to do life during early labour. One of the easiest ways to get burnt out during your labour is to sound the alarm bells too early. I highly recommend that my clients stay aware of their bodies, but continue to “do life” during early labour for as long as they can. We’ll keep in contact during these hours so you can communicate how you’re feeling, but I’ll encourage you to ignore those contractions and rest until you can’t ignore them any longer. This puts you in a better headspace once true active labour begins.And of course, provide physical support through touch relaxation, massage, position changes and more. While much of doula work is through the ‘heart’ side, I also use my hands to keep your body comfortable. Whether it’s strong counterpressure through hours of back labour, walking the halls with you through early labour, a foot massage after you’ve gotten your epidural or supporting you while you changing pushing positions, I’m your girl.