In the Eyes of a Child

Our next fun stop in #worlddoulaweek puts a youthful spin on things. I wanted to let you all know a bit more about me, and what better way to do that than through the ones who know me best- my kiddos! This fun quiz was going around Facebook several months back and I didn't get a chance to test it out with my two oldest- until now. I thought it would be fun to get their perspective on their doula mama, and I'll throw in a few comments of my own too!

Mom Interview

1. What is something I always say to you?T  Clean up!E  Clean up!2. What makes me happy?T  When I got you soup, when you were sick at the old house and I brought it to your bed.  (When she was 4 I was sick once, and she lovingly went into the fridge in the early hours of the morning, poured soup to the very brim of a new bowl, and carried it down the hallways onto my bedside table, and then left it there without saying anything :|)E  Playing downstairs3. What makes me sad?T  When I don't listen and throw a fit. E  Ummm peeing on the floor. (Can you tell we're in the midst of potty learning over here?)4. How do I make you laugh?T  *Makes a funny face at me*E  Give me happy birthday cake!!5. What was I like as a child?T  You were like your mom, and your dad. E  Like me! (Not too far off! I've always been a quiet, shy, introspective person. You'd most often find me hiding somewhere silly (under the bed, in the closet) with my nose in a book)6. How old am I?T  31  (She's too smart for me...)E  one two three four six. You six. 7. How tall am I?T  As big as a giantE  BIG8. What is my favorite thing to do?T  Play with Oakley. Have ice cream. E  Going on the bed. Having Happy Birthday Cake. (I think they both get points for this- sleeping in and eating decadent rich cake would count as two favorites! I also enjoy the gym and watching sappy drama tv shows and movies though!)9. What do I do when you're not around?T  Get really sad and want to pick us up. E  Play!10. If I become famous, what will it be for?T  Being the ruler of your hotel and doula job!E  11. What am I really good at?T  Taking care of us. Taking care of me when there's a fire drill.E  Happy Birthday Cake. Then you and daddy and Tenley and me and Oakie when he is bigger eat Happy Birthday cake! (One track mind this kid has- I like it!)12. What am I not very good at?T  Buying toys.E  Putting the baby gate up...12. What do I do for a job?T  Ruling your whole doula world and helping people have babies. E  Babies! Play with me. 14. What is my favorite food?T  Pancakes, birthday cake and ice cream. E  Toast. (I'm gonna call this one a fail. I'd love some good Chinese, followed with poutine and mocha cheesecake.)15. What makes you proud of me?T  Baking and taking care of us.E  Having Sushi (Fail again. I don't eat sushi)16. If I were a character, who would I be?T  Darth Vader. Han solo. E  Luke Skywalker!!!17. What do we enjoy doing together?T  Going out places. E  Having battle (Light sabre battles dancing through the house)18. How are we the same?T  We're girls. Our hair. E  Hair! (True. All my kids inherited my poor sad natural hair color.)19. How are we different?T  I'm 5 and you're 31...E  20. How do you know I love you?T  Cause I'm your child! You cuddle with me. E  *Starts pointing to all his stuff*21. What do I like most about dad?T  You're best friends (<3)E  Sushi22. Where is my favorite place to go?T  Museum, the Zoo, The YE  Store. And get more sushi! (He's obsessed! And trying to use his Jedi mind tricks on me!)23. How old was I when you were born?T  30. No um 29. (False.)E  Bigger! Hope you've enjoyed this insight into our crazy lives! Do YOU have any questions for me? Comment, or send me a message so we can chat!Winnipeg Doula Embrace Birth Services


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