Happy World Doula Week from Embrace Birth Services!

Did you know that today, March 22, marks the start of World Doula Week? The Spring equinox, symbolizing the return to fertility, seems like a perfect time to celebrate and bring empowerment to my powerful sisters who hold space as new souls enter the world. I'm thrilled to get to celebrate with you this year!World Doula Week Winnipeg Birth DoulaTo celebrate, I've got some fun things planned this week, so make sure you check back! The theme of this year is #doulasbenefiteveryone, which is so so true. Your doula is truly there to support whichever birth experience you desire- YOU are the boss of your birth experience, and us doulas are just here to help navigate.I've been blessed to support births that were at hospital, and at home. Parents who chose no intervention, and parents who chose belly births. Mamas who were alone, and those surrounded by family. Each of these people benefited from having an experienced, judgment free doula by their side. And I benefited by knowing them. It sounds cliche, but I truly am blessed to be able to call this work my "job". Doulas benefit everyone- even the doula!Before I leave you for today, I wanted to share this perfect graphic I found. Doulas are for #thatkindofmom


Why Embrace Birth Services? | Winnipeg Doula


<3 Gratitude