Winnipeg Pregnancy Guide: A Look Inside My Doula Bag | Winnipeg Doula
I often feel like I need to explain myself when people ask me what I carry in my doula bag. People expect to see a lengthy list of magical and crucial items which I cannot attend a birth without. The truth is- I carry less and less as time goes on. At first glance this can look like a lack of preparation or experience, but it really comes down to perspective and trust. See the thing is, you don't need me to pack 83 tools and gadgets to rock the heck out of your birth. Your strength and perseverance, your knowledge and focus, are what are going to help you through the journey that is labor. I'm just there to support you along the way. There's sometimes a comfort in “things”. If I pack enough items, if I read enough books, if I've stressed over writing the perfect birth plan-- *then* I will have the birth I wanted. The truth is that none of that is the key to a satisfying birth experience. When you hire a doula, you're not hiring me for massage tools, bendy straws or lotion. You're making the choice to hire this doula for my experience, my expertise, my deep seated belief that you have within you all the tools required for a wonderful birth story. I am holding space for your birth, but I am not the writer of your birth story. What I bring in my doula bag are primarily items designed to help me serve you. To be the best doula I can be for you, every step of the way. So without further ado, I present an inside look into what I've found to be the necessities. Spare Clothing. Sometimes birth is messy. Being able to support you fully means that sometimes, a change of clothes comes in handy later on.
Toiletries. Because after 20 hours together, you’ll be happy I brought the toothbrush. All items in here are designed to keep me fresh in mind and body- self care means that I’m putting my best foot forward for you.
Snacks. This is a sampling of what I keep in the bag for if I need to run quickly. Usually I throw in some fresh foods right before I head out the door. Keeping up energy during your labor and birth is important for the entire team- I encourage my families to eat and drink, and make sure that I do too. Labor is a marathon, not a sprint, and the better we treat our bodies, the better they’ll treat us!
Massage Tools. Touch during labor can be a magical thing, soothing aching muscles and serving as a reminder of support all in one. To enhance your experience I bring grapeseed oil, a roller ball massager, and a sensory ball to hit all the right tense spots. You can also see a sleep mask for if you're having trouble resting in between contractions, a small heat bag, a some crystals. I'll be honest that I'm not 100% sure where I stand on crystals and their usage, but I do know I found it grounding in the last weeks of pregnancy and early hours of labor to hold and rub the smooth cool stones. There's something about the firmness of a stone or crystal that is extra reassuring when everything around you feels a little shaky. I also keep on hand a kneeling pad, a copy of The Birth Partner books, and the gloves and chux pad (the bright blue one). These have come in handy while laboring at home or during a car transfer!And that's it! All the important things that assist me in helping you. Add in a willing heart, peaceful open mind and body that's willing to work- and you've got a doula! And the stuff that really matters? That's already inside you.